Explore the World of Katherine Archibold

Katherine is a thinker, artist, and writer. Her portfolio is an elegant, inquisitive display of existential and inspirational works that motivate and evoke deep reflection.

live in wonder. be amazed by the beauty & mystery of all things

Katherine Archibold, 21st Century Renaissance Woman




  • Answers for Skeptics, Online Media, Present

  • Vision of the Light permanent exhibition, Harrisonburg Baptist Church, Jun ‘24

  • Solo exhibition and book reading, Arts Incarnate, Jan ‘24

  • Vision of the Light: A Journey to Glory, Copyright 2023

  • Vision of the Light Prompt Journal, TBA

  • Breaking Limits Self Mastery Planner, Prompt Journal, and Art Book, TBA

  • Your 21st Century Gameplan, A Pursuit for Rest, In The Image of God, Upcoming

The visual arts are my first passion and oil is forever my preferred medium.

I was trained as a child prodigy at the Conservatorio de Cali-Escuela Departamental de Bellas Artes and later pursued the tutelage of Angel Rayo, my uncle, influenced by my family heritage of Colombian artist legend, Omar Rayo. In South Florida during my youth, I became a student and teaching apprentice of Conchita Firgau, the great Venezuelan master painter.

As a writer, I have produced several collections of poetry, which are under review for publishing. I enjoy sharing my voice through the poetic medium of spoken word rhetoric. Above all, I am a worshipper with an unending love for praise and worship through aesthetics, the written word, and music.

I am an autodidact and life-long learner, actively engaging in self-guided research projects and developing portfolios in aesthetics and design thinking, prose essay and creative writing, game theory, and logic modeling, theoretical physics, philosophy of metaphysics, ethnology, neuroscience, theology, and the list goes on.


I aim to create a cohesive concept to explain life and its existence, its meaning and logic, to be able to fulfill the endless inquiry of reason and will within the bounds of our human condition.

The central message of my work plays with the dual identities of weakness to viciousness, agony to vitality, fear to conquest — how the fragility of the human condition has the power of the psyche to overcome adversity from the innate instinct of survival.

Expanding on my previous work statement that emphasizes our primitive natures and innate survival mechanisms, my ongoing work is a development of enlightened, highly dynamic thematic discourse that shifts the focus from the inward condition of man to the outward beauty and grand complexity of Creation. Most importantly the measurables of my work are translating this into applications.

Through intellectual rigor and avid pursuits in the arts, I attempt to bridge the gap between science and faith using multi-sensorial mediums in combination with aesthetic, naturalistic, and divine inspirations to create a concise, clear illustration of the everlasting glory of God.

I am driven by the desire to create a cohesive concept that explains life and its existence, its meaning, and logic – to answer the endless inquiry of reason and will within our human condition.